Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why women should be paid more

The current thinking is that the men and women who play the game should be paid the same amount of prize money. The women say it's time the inequality in levels of prize money paid out to men and women must go. They say the differential is a throwback to the bad old days. They say it reeks of the time when Billie Jean King (Miss) beat the then MCP of tennis Bobby Riggs in a battle of the sexes. But forget all that. Why were women paid less? Was it because the effort involved for women to play was less? Not really. Because, proportionately speaking, the burden of tennis on the human body is just as damaging for men and women. Women have less strength and so less takes more out of them. Men are physically stronger and so they can exert more. Does that mean men should be paid more? I think the question is best answered if one looks at which is more popular: Men's tennis or women's tennis. If women's tennis makes more money, then the women should be paid more. Sport today, more than ever, is driven by economics and sponsorship. What the actors get paid is a function of how much the game they're playing is making. So, should the women be paid as much as the men? If you ask me, I prefer watching women's tennis and, in my book, that's a good enough reason for them to be paid, not just as much, but more.