Friday, September 01, 2006

Fever pitch

What is this obsession with trotting out with nauseating regularity that Bradman thought the batsman who came closest to his style of play was Sachin Tendulkar? Is it really such an important achievement? Haven't we had enough of that line of thinking? Will we never stop writing articles about Sachin Tendulkar without that idiotic piece of dumparrotison? If you think of it, minus the thoughtless repeating of it, it really doesn't mean much. The last person we expected to read it from was Mukul Kesavan. And that really got our goat. To think, even a fine fine writer like Mukul Kesevan has to stoop to such parrotisms. Are cricket writers so short of things to say on Sachin that they have to keep saying the 'right' things? Just ask us.