Thursday, March 30, 2006


"Nothing between the ears", "They earn more in a week than I do in a year", "They think they're better than everyone else", "Cap their wages", "They make me sick", "It's all totally wrong - my son gets 25k a year to protect people in Iraq and look at these morons". Just some of the things people in England are saying about their soccer players. Also, just some of the things we like to say about our cricketers. Also, also, just some of the things people who don't have what these 'Stars' have are likely to say about the people they have turned into stars. Yes, our 'Stars' make too much money. But then, so do politicians. So do businessman. So do people in top-management. So does my boss. And so does every extraordinarily successful person; be it in sport or anywhere else. So what? Isn't that what we all aspire to make? Easy money. It's what makes the people who manage to make all these 'disgust-inducing' people 'Stars'. It's also what we make them. More on the matter.